Version 0.15.0 released

Install or upgrade now using npm install -g xible
From the changelogs;


  • The timing object for flow instances now also contains the createDate, initDate and startDate properties. These contain a property for their respective dates. This allows you to track exactly when a flow instance was started.

  • On the ‘flows’ view, you can now select a flow to view the details of that flow. This includes state, parameters, resource graphs and more.

  • Use xiblepm nodepack init to create a default node structure. This is useful for starting the development of a new node within a nodepack. (#81)

  • Unsupported browsers can now find exactly which features the browser is missing in a ‘details’ window.

  • string.length node to find the length of all input strings combined.

  • TypeDefs can be related to javascript constructors, so that it is now possible for XIBLE to filter input values based on the typeDef in the extends chain. The typeDef of a value can be set by assigning a typeDef to the constructor of that value using Node.setTypeDef(Constr, type). As a result, node inputs and outputs can now be connected as long as either side is in the extends chain of the other side. If an output is lower in the extends chain than the input, the values will be filtered to match at least the extends level of the input.

  • Added a input.filter-type node to return values from a specific type only.

  • The log in the editor can now be cleared using the “clear” button.


  • Improved error handling. Throwing an error can now be intercepted by dedicated xible nodes (formerly xible.node.onerror). Using node.error(err, state) instead of simply throwing remains a valid use as it provides more details as to where the error originated. The xible.node.error and xible.node.onerror nodes have been renamed to xible.flow.instance.error and xible.flow.instance.on-error respectively. (#80)

  • Errors thrown within a flow instance now show up in the editor. (#12)


  • When publishing a nodepack (which already exists), the package.json name attribute is now stripped of preceeding ‘xible-np-’ or ‘xible-nodepack-’ strings before matching it against the registry to see if the publisher is the same. Prior to this, the registry would return a http 403 which would show up as ‘Unsuccessful statuscode returned’ in the cli.

  • When initially navigating to the flows overview and after that head over to the editor, the flows would show up empty. This is now fixed. (#77)